An obituary usually includes personal details and therefore is typically written by a family member or a friend. An obituary usually includes more details of a person’s life and accomplishments. When writing an obituary, you will want to include a short summary of the decedent’s life. If you are assigned the duty of writing the obituary of someone who is not going to be having a funeral, there are plenty of other things that you may include.

If you are using an example obituary for inspiration, substitute the last line on funeral times, locations, and dates for a few more actions that bereaved people could do to honor the person who died. You do not need to include a cause of death in your obituary if you are not comfortable doing so. As mentioned above, a funeral obituary typically includes the names of those immediate surviving family members and friends who survived the decedent, along with those who preceded the decedent in death. An obituary is a short summary of the person’s life, typically including family members’ names, funeral or memorial service arrangements, and preferences regarding flowers and donations.

Obituary Templates

An obituary does not just share birth and death dates, it often includes at least one photograph of the individual, as well as highlights about their achievements or even personality. It details the death and birth dates of the person who died, as well as the survivors’ names. Any other information that can be included includes the date of death (and the approximate time, if it is available); where the death occurred, and the cause of death. Provide a name and very brief description, the loved one’s age, and the day of passing.

 Suppose you have a memorial page for the individual, link from the obituary to that memorial site for additional details. Include the name of the funeral home, as well as any monument websites that you may have for the loved one’s life.

 You will begin with the essential death notice, which states your loved ones (name, age, hometown) died. An obituary, or obit, is a news story announcing the person’s death, offering a description of his life, and details of his funeral to come. Many times, the obituary has to be far, far shorter, because of any number of factors, including not being able to reach friends and relatives in the first few years.